Fourth week in 2012

Posted Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012 by Retno Arienta Sari

My activities [fourth week in 2012] from January 22nd 2012 until January 28th 2012 :P
I'm writing it right now! Yes, January 28th 2012.. check!

January 22nd 2012 or ‘Page 22 of 366’ : Sunday hehehe... last Sunday, I've visited my uncle's new house in Permata Biru / Sukarame._.v Simple and minimalist. I love that house! Then, i came home. And... slept:P

January 23rd 2012 or ‘Page 23 of 366’ : yeah Monday!!Last Monday was holiday :P I spent my holiday just in here (read:my home). I forgot all activities, but... i love this Monday hehehe.
January 24th 2012 or ‘Page 24 of 366’ : k, it's Tuesday. you've known, I came back school. Holiday was over. Many homework-___- Lampungnese, Mathematics, and Economy.
January 25th 2012 or ‘Page 25 of 366’ : hahaha Wednesday ... ECONOMY EXAM!!!!!HAHAHAHA. Alhamdulillah, i can did that exam very well :P maybe hehe. Where was my highlighter???
January 26th 2012 or ‘Page 26 of 366’ : Thursday!!! Like usually. Sport [we ran], English [studied about teenage life], Civics [Exam and presentation], Mathematics [studied about part of circles] .____. AAA I didn't like this Thursday...........
January 27th 2012 or ‘Page 27 of 366’ : Friday.... First, we went to musshola and heard tausyiah. Second, back to class and studied ICT. Third, math about circles again._.v Fourth, I joined 'Diklat Kepemimpinan OSIS 2012' ---karena alhamdulillah saya di sini sebagai seksi bidang atau koordinator bidang keterampilan dan kewiraswastaan:')--- Until 05.15 pm! Then, I went home and watched news [at MetroTV hehe] for Indonesian Exam!
January 28th 2012 or ‘Page 28 of 366’ : Saturday!!! Today.... hehe. First, we did 5 questions about Physics._. Second, we studied about flower and seed [biology] Third, Indonesian exam!!! Bismillah and alhamdulillah, I can!! :'D Then, Religion. Tapi pas pelajaran agama islam, aku langsung dipanggil. Buat latihan upacara pengurus osis. Dan akhirnya dispen. then, lunch, prayed, workshop, and went home :p tired.

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